CLC-92 Compu

CLC-92 Compu is a computer / game console design that is inspired by the 16 bit generation with some improvements: It is designed for a modern environment, like having wide screen support, easy storage support, internet access for specific tasks like content downloading or access to network services, and it is also designed so the games built on it can run on a variety of modern devices without requiring special compatibility measures.

CLC-92 takes elements from several computers and game consoles, fixing what was missing at the time they were created because of cost or time constraints. For example, the 16 bit generation of computers and consoles had quite powerful machines, but still they “lack” something. That is the case of the poor sound and video capabilities of the Atari ST compared to the Amiga, or the limitations of the Amiga having only PCM channels. Don’t take us wrong, the 4 stereo PCM channels of the Amiga are great for music! But, do you agree that choosing between music and sound effects for gameplay is a tough choice to be made?

CLC-92 as a game platform

CLC-92 is also a target platform for new games, enabling them to run on a wide variety of hardware. A CLC-92 game is like a ROM file that you can run wherever there is an implementation of the CLC-92 virtual machine. For example, you can create a game for CLC-92 and it will run on Android TV, PC/Mac/Linux, Steam Deck, or even on its own FPGA based console. There are also plans to port CLC-92 as a RetroArch core, MiSTer FPGA core and MAME machine, so you can run CLC-92 games on all the systems supported by them.

Where available, you can also improve the final execution of your game using factory or custom shaders to improve how your game looks, or you can call your own network services to provide downloadable content, data upload and more.

CLC-92 Hardware

The hardware design is very similar to some machines of the 16-bit generation, but of course it adds its own custom chips for audio and video.

  • Motorola 68000 as main CPU
  • Zilog Z80 as audio CPU
  • 4MB RAM total (VRAM + RAM)
  • Chroni custom video chip processor:
    • 480×270 wide screen mode
    • 64K palette (16-bit RGB565)
    • Hardware scrolling
    • Multiple background layers
    • Fixed layer for HUD or borders
    • Sprites
    • Antic / Copper style display lists
    • Scanline interrupt
    • Vertical Blank interrupt
  • Wopi custom audio chip processor
    • 18 switchable PCM / FM voices
    • PCM for voices / sound effects
    • 4 operator FM voices for music
    • Filters (low, high, band pass)
    • Channel Effects (delay, chorus)

CLC-92 Software Development Kit

The SDK will include all the tools that you need to start making your games, with full documentation. Be prepared to uncover your Motorola 68000 and Z80 assembly skills, or use your C knowledge if that fits better with you

What you should expect from the SDK:

    • CLC-92 Emulator
    • C Compiler for Motorola 68000
    • Motorola 68000 and Z80 assembler
    • Graphics tools
    • Audio / Music tools
    • Sample music
    • FM Instrument library
    • Demos with source code
    • Game engine reference implementation with source code

CLC-92 Release Date

We are preparing a release for later this year (2024). We are also working in cooperation with Abstract Digital to provide the best tools and demos to get you started with CLC-92 programming.

We don’t need to say how much excited we are for what we are preparing. Meanwhile, here is a playlist with some videos that have inspired us to create CLC-92 and will give you an idea of what we should get from it.